Saturday, May 30, 2009

A spring full of firsts

Sorry it's been so long since an update, we've been pretty busy! Alex turns 3 months old on June 3rd, she is growing so fast. We've had lots of "firsts" from Alex, first smile, first giggle, and now she's laughing out loud. She teases us by sleeping thru the night one night, and then waking up the next night. Will had his "first" real haircut (he had a trim, but we kept the curls until now), and now his little boy curls are gone! Will has already been kissed by a girl, Ava, our next door neighbor, likes to come over and give Will kisses. The last time she did it she fell on him, so now he's scared of her. Will's vocabulary is growing every day, he imitates a lot of animal sounds, and imitates his daddy saying "Magnum, easy!" He definitely knows what he is saying, even if we don't. He has a little boy's dream backyard, with a deluxe swing set, sand box, water table, a basketball court and his own table and chair set on the deck.

Billy's been busy with outside projects, he power washed and stained the play set, and had playground mulch spread underneath it. He cleared out an herb garden for me, and is busy planting, trimming, and mowing.

I am back at work and trying to get into the swing of things. I would really rather hang out with the kids!

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