Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Funny Video


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Kitchen Changes

The changes to the kitchen have been completed. Last week we had granite countertops installed, along with a mosiac tile backsplash. It makes the kitchen look so professional! We look at it now and can't believe that a week ago we had purple laminate countertops. Billy gave me an early Christmas present of the chefs professional gel mats, I highly recommend them if you cook a lot, they make standing in the kitchen much more comfortable!

We are enjoying our new kitchen!

Kitchen Changes

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The New House

We are finally settled into our new home. We moved the weekend of October 18th, and the boxes are dwindling every week. We need to tackle the basement, but that's not a priority at the time. We got new furniture for the family room, kitchen and dining room, and have hired a contractor to extend our kitchen island, build a custom bar, and do some painting (we have a purple dining room!). Most of that should be done the week of Thanksgiving, and the following week we're having granite countertops and a new mosaic backsplash installed.

The next projects after the 1st of the year will be working on baby girl's room. We have an idea of a theme, and are working with my friend, Rochelle, to do some custom bedding and painting! More details to come!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Baby Girl Vinton

Baby Girl Vinton is due to arrive in this world on March 22, 2009. Billy may have to share his birthday with his little girl! We are excited and thrilled to add a little girl to our family. Now we just have to figure out how to decorate her room!
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Parker and Will's Halloween Pics

I'm posting some halloween pictures of the boys, aren't they fantastic!

New House

We moved into our new house a couple of weeks ago and are finally getting settled in. Billy has been "in the zone" regarding getting boxes put away, and rooms in order! We've already changed most of the faceplates, installed towel bar racks, bought a new faucet for the kitchen, and are getting new storm doors. We received one furniture delivery, we now have new couches and a new kitchen table. We are still waitng on the dining room table. Our tv has been mounted over the fireplace, and it looks fantastic.

In a few weeks, work will begin to extend the kitchen island, and to build a bar in between the kitchen and family room. After that's done, the entire kitchen is getting granite and a new backsplash.

Will already seems at home, he loves crawling around the first floor, he has a lot more room to move! There's cabinets built into the walls on each side of the fireplace, and he has a little "fort" inside one of them.

I think it's taking Magnum a little longer to get acclimated to the new house. He actually has a great backyard, but spends most of the time on the deck whining for us if we're inside and he's outside. I'm sure he'll get used to it!

The neighborhood is great, we went to a little cul de sac party for our cul de sac, and the one behind us. I'm posting pictures of all of the kids in the neighborhood!

Monday, September 1, 2008

The long weekend is almost over

The long weekend is almost over, we are heading over to Eddie & Alicia's to go swimming, possibly the last time for the summer! We went house hunting again on Saturday, and had a couple of real possibilities. We are very excited about one house in particular, now we will start the negotiation process to see if we can get it for the price we want. The housing market in Johnson County is very interesting right now, and we feel we are dealing from a position of strength. We did get an offer on our house by our neighbor, which we accepted, and our attorney is currently drafting the contract. This new place is 3300 square feet, something we will definitely grow into with baby #2 coming!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

House Hunting Saga Continues

Billy and I continue to work with our realtor to find our new home in Overland Park. We've looked at so many it feels like they're all the same. We find ourselves nicknaming them to keep them straight! We'll keep at it until we find one that boh of us just love!

WIll's 1 year checkup

Billy and I took Will to his 1 year checkup today. He was 30 1/2 inches long and 22 6.4 lbs. He's in the 75th percentile for length, and 50th for weight. Stacey (our nurse practitioner) was amazed at how much hair he has! He sat in the room with her and screeched and laughed for several minutes. Our next challenge is going to be getting him to drink more from a sippy cup. So far, he really hasn't liked them, but we want to get him weaned off bottles by about 15 months.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Tom and Sue are Cruising

Tom and Sue have left for their big trip of the year, a cruise through the Baltic Sea. They departed Kansas City on Monday, August 25th, and the cruise leaves England today. They will be visiting Oslo, Norway, Copenahagen, Denmark, Stockholm, Sweden, Helsinki, Finland, St. Petersberg, Russia, and Tallinn, Estonia before coming back to England. They turn around and get on another cruise and go to Paris, France, Plymouth, England, Holyhead, Wales, Dublin, Ireland, Cork Ireland, St. John's Newfoundland before cruising to Boston. They will get back to Kansas City late on September 20th. Lets hope Sue brought enough Dramamine!

Today is Will's Birthday

It's hard to believe that Will is 1 today! We had a great party for him on Saturday, thanks to all of those who attended and made his day so special. As soon as I figure it out, I'll post some pictures. He wasn't sure about his cake, he enjoyed smashing his fingers in it more than actually eating it. We're going to spend a lazy day hanging out together.